Call for Papers: Heritage Languages and Social Cohesion

The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities is pleased to announce a call for papers for a new volume focusing on the vital role of heritage languages in promoting social cohesion, identity, and cultural diversity. This volume aims to explore the multifaceted relationships between heritage languages and societal integration, examining how these…
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Upcoming talks

Exploring the Wonders of Bilingualism in Mexico Mexico City is gearing up for an enlightening journey into the realm of bilingualism with Fabrice Jaumont, a notable figure in the field. The series of talks, scheduled for February 21st to 23rd, promises to delve deep into how mastering multiple languages can profoundly benefit our children, strengthen…
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Salon du Livre de Montréal/Montreal Book Fair

[French] 📢 Nouvel évenément! CALEC participera au Salon du livre de Montréal du 22 au 26 novembre. 🇨🇦 Venez découvrir nos actions et nos livres au plus grand événement littéraire de la ville, où langues et cultures se rencontrent. Pour plus d’information, visitez le site web du Salon du Livre de Montréal : [English]…
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ACTFL 2023 Convention and World Languages Exposition

Join us at #ACTFL23 in Chicago from November 17-19! We’re excited to be part of the annual ACTFL Convention, the ultimate gathering for language educators. This is your opportunity to connect with us and explore our booth at the exhibit hall. 📚 Discover the world of bilingual and multilingual books and learn more about CALEC’s…
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A Triumph of Multilingualism: CALEC at the NYC Bilingual Fair

By: Kethia Ngeleza New York, NY – November 6, 2023 In a celebration of diversity and bilingual education, The NYC Bilingual Fair marked its triumphant return on Saturday, November 4, at the Villa Albertine. Organized by French Morning, drawing a diverse crowd of over 300 educators, parents, and representatives from 25 schools eager to explore…
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Claire Kramsch: Une figure emblématique du multilinguisme

Pour ce nouvel épisode du podcast Révolution Bilingue, notre invitée spéciale, la professeure Claire Kramsch, aborde avec Fabrice Jaumont des sujets clés tels que l’évolution de l’enseignement des langues, l’impact de la mondialisation et des réseaux sociaux sur la place des langues, le lien entre l’apprentissage des langues et la construction de communautés plus tolérantes,…
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Celebrating Multilingualism: Concours de l’Histoire Plurilingue Featuring Deana Sobel Lederman

The deadline for the 2nd edition of the Concours de l’Histoire Plurilingue is getting close! This contest is open to all children aged 7 to 12 who speak multiple languages at home, providing them an opportunity to showcase their language skills and abilities. You can participate without going through a school by emailing us at…
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Embracing Linguistic Diversity at the Festival du Livre de Paris

We were thrilled to see the response to our French publications at the festival du livre de Paris. From bilingual education to cultural diversity, our books cover a wide array of topics aimed at promoting multilingualism, and they certainly seemed to strike a chord with the visitors. It was a pleasure to engage in thoughtful…
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The Power of Bilingual Education: A Dialogue with Ellen Bialystok, Fabrice Jaumont, and Hélène Leone

We are thrilled to share a recent thought-provoking discussion involving two of CALEC’s distinguished authors, Ellen Bialystok and Fabrice Jaumont, and our new partner, the Bilingual Canadian School of Paris, represented by its founder Dr. Hélène Leone. This engaging conversation, organized during the Festival du Livre of Paris, aligns with CALEC’s mission of promoting language…
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Book Release: A Bilingual Revolution for Africa

Exciting news for language and education enthusiasts! A Bilingual Revolution for Africa, a new book examining the potential of multilingual education across Africa, has just been released. This book, edited by Ayé Clarisse Hager-M’Boua and myself, brings together educators, researchers, and actors on the ground to explore the benefits of dual-language education in various sectors…
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