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[FR] Episode 3: Révolution bilingue avec Christine Hélot

Retrouvez l’épisode 3 du podcast Révolution bilingue avec la Professeure Christine Hélot qui revient sur la situation de l’éducation bilingue en France, la place de l’anglais, de l’arabe et des langues régionales. Pour elle, les enfants sont en devenir bilingue et il faut valoriser toutes les langues.

A écouter ici :  ou sur iTunes.

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Book Launch: Die bilinguale Revolution

Join us for the book launch of Die bilinguale Revolution.

The book launch has  been scheduled for Tuesday, January 8th at 7pm:

We´ve also put up an event on the Goethe-Institut NY page on Facebook.

Please help spread the word and see you all next year!

The book is available on all major online retailers and on

All the best,


Ajkuna Hoppe

Educational Liaison/Bildungskooperation Deutsch

Goethe-Institut New York

30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003

Tel.: +1 (212) 439-8704


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Episode 2 : les mystères du cerveau bilingue avec Ana Inès Ansaldo


“Révolution Bilingue”, le podcast mensuel produit par French Morning et présenté par Fabrice Jaumont, s’intéresse ce mois-ci au cerveau. Depuis une dizaine d’années, les recherches sur les effets du bilinguisme sur notre lobe frontal ont beaucoup progressé.

Fabrice Jaumont reçoit Ana Ines Ansaldo, qui non seulement parle cinq langues, mais est aussi et surtout une des chercheuses les plus réputées sur cette question. Dans son laboratoire de l’Université de Montréal elle a notamment montré que les bilingues résistent mieux au vieillissement que les monolingues.

Les controverses scientifiques sur les effets réels du bilinguisme sur le cerveau sont encore nombreuses, mais, grâce aux travaux de chercheurs comme le professeur Ansaldo, un consensus se dégage pour considérer que le bilinguisme donne des avantages cognitifs qui vont bien au-delà de la seule maîtrise de deux ou plusieurs langues.

Vous pouvez écouter le podcast ici ou l’écouter sur (sur votre Iphone) sur itunes Podcast.



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Startalk Keynote in Houston

CALEC President Fabrice Jaumont delivered the keynote speech during the STARTALK Fall Conference in Houston, Texas which was held on October 19 and 20, 2018, at the Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria Hotel. The STARTALK Fall 2018 Conference focused on sharing practices, innovative strategies, effective learning tools and resources, and insights uncovered by reflection practices that were experienced in various STARTALK programs.

STARTALK is a federal grant program funded by the National Security Agency and administered by the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland. STARTALK grants fund summer world language learning programs as well as professional development programs for world language teachers. STARTALK grants support programs for students and teachers of eleven critical need languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dari, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu.


Through these programs, the STARTALK program seeks to achieve three goals:
– Increase the number of students enrolled in the study of critical languages
– Increase the number of highly effective critical-language teachers in the U.S.
– Increase the number of highly effective materials and curricula available to teachers and students of critical-need languages

At the end of Fabrice Jaumont’s presentation featuring CALEC’s work via The Bilingual Revolution, all participants were offered access to TBR Books where they could download our ebooks and resources for free.

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Workshop: Transforming Communities through Multilingualism with NYCDOE

We were thrilled to give two presentations during Transforming Communities through Multilingualism, a three-day seminar hosted by the New York City Department of Education on November 5 and 7, 2018. CALEC President Fabrice Jaumont was able to present our flagship program, The Bilingal Revolution, and share his experiences about the importance of parents and grassroots efforts for New York’s  multilingual learners. Other presenters included Dr. José Medina. Chancellor Richard Carranza, Dr. Linda Chen, Kathleen Leos, Dr. Margarita Calderón, and many more.
We are even more convinced that NYC will gain tremendously from offering dual language programs in as many languages as possible. We believe bilingual education is for all. The time to do this is now! Being bilingual is the new norm and it must start with our youngest citizens.

Continue reading Workshop: Transforming Communities through Multilingualism with NYCDOE

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Podcast: Ana Ines Ansaldo

Fabrice Jaumont interviewed Dr Ana Ines Ansaldo today during New York’s Bilingual Fair organized by FrenchMorning. She is a professor at the University of Montreal and a researcher working on neuroplasticity in brain trajectory and on the different factors that can impact a brain throughout life including bilingualism. She wowed us all with her insight on the bilingual brain. Thank you French Morning for making this talk available online.

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