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Bilingual Forum in Philadelphia

CALEC was in Philadelphia on October 6th to participate in the bilingual forum organized by PhilaFLAM in order to emphasize the importance of learning new languages, and of choosing a bilingual education all the way to college. French, German, Spanish, and English were languages represented during the fair which also offered a series of conferences including one by Fabrice Jaumont – world expert and CALEC’s author of the Bilingual Revolution on the implementation of bilingual programs in public schools.

More information:

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European Education Summit

On September 26 –the European Day of Languages set to help raise awareness for multilingualism in Europe– CALEC president Fabrice Jaumont was invited to Brussels for the 2nd European Education Summit and presented a U.S. perspective on the growth and potential of dual-language education, particularly as European nations seek to adopt new educational approaches to educating the youth while accepting more immigrant families into their school systems.
Read the full article here

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European Day of Languages

On Friday September 27, the CALEC team visited the Goethe Institut in New York to celebrate multilingualism by participating in the 2019 European Day of Languages. The day was marked by community building, knowledge sharing, and connecting with a variety of cultural organizations, including Alliance Francaise, China Institute, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Polish Cultural Institute, and Instituto Cervantes.

CALEC was present at the event as a publishing resource, showcasing some of TBR Books’ titles including The Bilingual Revolution and The Gift of Languages. Participants were thrilled to find TBR Books titles available in many of the languages represented at the event, including Polish, Italian, German, and French. Event goers received a code to download a free e-book from the TBR Books site in order to better spread the word about CALEC’s mission and the bilingual revolution. Through this service, CALEC demonstrated its commitment to providing resources to educators and communities interested in bilingual education.

Participants left the Goethe Institut on Friday armed with new connections and renewed enthusiasm for a shared goal: making multilingualism a reality throughout schools within the US and abroad. The CALEC team was happy to engage with the bilingual education community to affirm CALEC’s advocacy for this vital mission. By fostering relationships within the educational community, CALEC will strengthen bilingual education networks and improve its offerings of resources to parents, teachers, and administrators. CALEC thanks the Goethe Institut and participants in the European Day of Languages for their role in a successful celebration of multilingualism.

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Episode 10 avec Marc Maurice

Chef d’établissement, éducateur passionné et défenseur de la diversité linguistique et culturelle, Marc Maurice est l’invité du 10ème épisode du podcast Révolution Bilingue.

Né en Haïti et installé aux États-Unis depuis les années 70, il nous parle de son intégration difficile dans ce pays, du multilinguisme en Haïti et de la New York French-American Charter School (NYFACS), une école bilingue unique en son genre qu’il dirige depuis quelques années à Harlem.

Le podcast “Révolution Bilingue” est proposé par French Morning avec le soutien de CALEC (Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities).

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.

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El regalo de las lenguas

Book Release: El regalo de las lenguas explora las abundantes ventajas de la educación multilingüe y prepara el escenario para un nuevo paradigma en la manera en que abordamos la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los idiomas. Este libro alude brevemente al problema del déficit de lenguas extranjeras en Estados Unidos y a las modificaciones que tendrían que llevarse a cabo en las escuelas para atender de mejor manera a nuestros niños y a las comunidades lingüísticas. Asimismo, explora el crecimiento de la educación dual de lengua en los años recientes y la conexión entre la programación multilingüe y la resolución del problema de los idiomas y lenguas en este país.

Order it on

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Rewolucja Dwujezyczna

Book Release: The Bilingual Revolution by Fabrice Jaumont is now available in POLISH: Rewolucja Dwujezyczna: Przyszlosc edukacji jest w dwóch jezykach. 🇵🇱

Pomyslana jako praktyczna i dostepna ksiazka, ktĂłra wspomoze TwĂłj projekt, Rewolucja Dwujezyczna, jest historia ruchu zapoczatkowanego na Brooklynie opowiedziana przez pryzmat rodzicĂłw i pedagogĂłw, ktĂłrzy zalozyli programy dwujezyczne w swoich szkolach, aby pokazac, ze edukacja bilingwalna jest dobrem wspĂłlnym, ktĂłre powinno byc powszechnie dostepne, poniewaz moze pozytywnie zmienic dziecko, szkole, a nawet caly kraj.

📖 dostępny w miękkiej oprawie i ebook:
okładka artystyczna Raymond Verdaguer

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Episode 10 avec Marc Maurice

Chef d’établissement, éducateur passionné et défenseur de la diversité linguistique et culturelle, Marc Maurice est l’invité du 10ème épisode du podcast Révolution Bilingue.

Né en Haïti et installé aux États-Unis depuis les années 70, il nous parle de son intégration difficile dans ce pays, du multilinguisme en Haïti et de la New York French-American Charter School (NYFACS), une école bilingue unique en son genre qu’il dirige depuis quelques années à Harlem.

Le podcast “Révolution Bilingue” est proposé par French Morning avec le soutien de CALEC (Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities).

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.

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Episode 9 avec Bénédicte de Montlaur

Diplomate, polyglotte et engagée dans le développement de l’éducation plurilingue, Benedicte de Montlaur est l’invitée du 9ème épisode de Révolution Bilingue.

De l’Allier à New York, en passant par l’Egypte et la Syrie, cette passionnée des langues et des relations internationales, aujourd’hui Conseillère culturelle auprès de l’Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis, nous confirme que parler plusieurs langues est à la fois un atout pour notre développement personnel et professionnel, mais aussi un pont vers d’autres cultures et imaginaires qui nous mène à des rencontres enrichissantes et une meilleure compréhension du monde.

Le podcast Révolution bilingue est proposé par FrenchMorning avec le soutien de CALEC.

Ecoutez sur iTunes :…/r%C3%A9volution-b…/id1439096182

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Book Launch: Final of trilogy chronicling ‘Lorch’ women’s transatlantic history – ‘The Other Shore’

The Other Shore is the closing volume of Maristella Lorch’s auto-biographical trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, the story of generations of strong women covering more than a century, including two World Wars, the Cold War, and the explosion of terrorism. Interweaving memory and history, the personal and the global, The Other Shore, that begins with the death of Lorch’s second husband and the flashback to their torrid love affair on the Columbia campus in the early 50’s, focuses on the space of the imagination and the drive to build a family, not only a genetic one but an intellectual and creative one that defies time and geography. 

Maristella de Panizza Lorch is Professor Emerita of Italian and Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Barnard College and Columbia University, as well as Founding Director Emerita of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America. She is the mother of three daughters and the widow of the mathematician Edgar Raymond Lorch. The Other Shore is the closing volume of the trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, following Mamma in her Village and Beyond Gibraltar

“In this highly poetic book time is not just a meaningless succession of moments but a circular reality similar to the rings that mark the inner part of a growing tree: every line is enriched by its connection to the other, celebrating the rooting power of memory and love.”

Ingrid Rossellini, author of “Know Thyself: Western Identity from Classical Greece to the Renaissance”

“In narrating her century-long journey, Lorch takes her readers from Nazi-occupied Rome to Columbia University, from a wooded retreat in the Catskill Mountains to a bush camp in the heart of Kenya’s Masai Mara. She creates a magical tableau of life, literature, and the love that binds a family.”

Joshua Hammer, author of “The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu” (and the upcoming “The Falcon Thief”)

“Throughout my years at Barnard College, Maristella Lorch was a beacon in my life, not only as an incredible scholar, but also as a devoted mother, step-mother and lover. Reading The Other Shore I am once again moved by how perfectly she modeled that women can do and be everything.”

Erica Jong, American novelist, satirist, and poet 

“This is a book that should be read by all who are interested in how the intellectual migration helped shape modern America – one based on the pictures drawn by a remarkable woman nearing 100 years of age who experienced a wildly changing world.”

Jonathan R. Cole, John Mitchell Mason Professor of the University, Provost and Dean of Faculties (1989-2003),Columbia University

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Let’s fulfill the promise! Bilingualism for ALL!

CALEC’s President delivered the keynote during the annual meeting of New York State Association of World Language Administrators (NYSAWLA), a professional organization that supports World Language leaders with professional development, advocacy efforts, access to resources and the development and administration of regional language exams.

Fabrice was able to present CALEC’s work and share success stories from the Bilingual Revolution, and presented examples from the Arabic, Chinese, German, Greek, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish dual-language programs and parent-led initiatives.

The conference was held at Hofstra University on March 8, 2019. This year’s theme was “Let’s fulfill the promise! Bilingualism for ALL! All participants