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New Release: Rainbows, Masks, and Ice Cream

Needing to talk to children about Covid19 has motivated us to contribute three wonderful books that have been translated into multiple languages. Artist and author Deana Sobel Lederman, and CALEC’s team of translators have teamed up to complete a series of three different stories which take place during the Covid19 crisis. The three stories have already been translated into Japanese, Spanish, Italian and French. They will soon be translated into Russian, Portuguese and Chinese, all (including the original books in English) to be published by our very own TBR Books.

Continue reading New Release: Rainbows, Masks, and Ice Cream
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Upcoming Webinar

تدعوكم أوستنماكولي بابليشرز بكلالترحيب للانضمام إلىمناقشة مستقبل اللغاتالثنائية في التعليممؤلف كتابالثورة ثنائية اللغةسيكون ضيف الشرف في هذه المناقشة وسيشارك رؤيتهالعميقة حول”أهمية التعليم ثنائي اللغة”عبر منصة المناقشات في زووم بتاريخ 21 من شهر يونيو2020 في الساعة 6:00 مساءً بتوقيت دولة الإماراتالعربية المتحدةيمكن لكل الراغبين في حضور المناقشة التسجيل عبر رابط التسجيل التالي:

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Upcoming Webinar

InItaliano bilinguismo a New York presenta il webinar “La rivoluzione multiculturale bilingue, the Italian way” venerdì 19 giugno 2020
NY h 12:00PM / IT h 18:00 / UK h 17:00

Conversazione con: Antonella Sorace (Bilingualism Matters) e Fabrice Jaumont (La rivoluzione bilingue), moderata da Giuseppe CorongiuIl webinar si svolgerà in italiano (con servizio di traduzione simultanea in francese e inglese).
Per info:

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New Release: Can We Agree to Disagree?

A compelling collection of anecdotes about French and American professionals on their experiences working together. This book reveals the risks of misjudgments. It provides tips and tricks to foster mutual understanding. Its goal is to spark curiosity, encourage professionals to adopt the best methods from both cultures, and to better work together.

Can We Agree to Disagree? Exploring the differences at work between Americans and the French: A cross-cultural perspective on the gap between the Hexagon and the U.S., and tips for successful and happy collaborations, by Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt.

Order it now from TBR Books

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Mbacké Diagne : sans une révolution bilingue, comment l’Afrique peut-elle vraiment se développer?

Passage par le Sénégal et l’Université Cheick Anta Diop de Dakar pour une discussion sur l’éducation plurilingue avec le professeur Mbacké Diagne, Directeur de recherche au laboratoire Linguistique et Grammaire anglaises et africaines .

La situation des langues au Sénégal est représentative du bain linguistique dans lequel les nations africaines évoluent. La place des langues nationales dans les systèmes scolaires, comme le Wolof et le Pulaar entre autres dans ce cas-ci, est encore inégale vis-à-vis de la place qu’occupent les langues internationales telle que le français, l’anglais ou l’arabe. Cette situation est au cœur des débats actuels tant elle est liée à la réussite scolaire des élèves, aux questions identitaires et au développement économique du pays.

Ecoutez sur iTunes ou sur ce site

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Book Launch of “La Rivoluzione Bilingue”

Join us for an informative event about the state of the art of Italian Dual Language programs in NYC’s Public Schools with teachers, principals, bilingualism experts, representatives of the DOE and published author Fabrice Jaumont for the launch of the Italian translation of his book “The Bilingual Revolution:” La Rivoluzione Bilingue, Il futuro dell’istruzione in due lingue, TBR Books, 2019.

Discussion will be followed by a toast to the growing Italian bilingualism initiatives in NYC!

This event is organized by InItaliano in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute, the Italian Consulate General in NY and CALEC.

RSVP directly on Eventbrite

Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Time: from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Entrance: Free

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Bilingual Forum in Philadelphia

CALEC was in Philadelphia on October 6th to participate in the bilingual forum organized by PhilaFLAM in order to emphasize the importance of learning new languages, and of choosing a bilingual education all the way to college. French, German, Spanish, and English were languages represented during the fair which also offered a series of conferences including one by Fabrice Jaumont – world expert and CALEC’s author of the Bilingual Revolution on the implementation of bilingual programs in public schools.

More information:

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European Education Summit

On September 26 –the European Day of Languages set to help raise awareness for multilingualism in Europe– CALEC president Fabrice Jaumont was invited to Brussels for the 2nd European Education Summit and presented a U.S. perspective on the growth and potential of dual-language education, particularly as European nations seek to adopt new educational approaches to educating the youth while accepting more immigrant families into their school systems.
Read the full article here

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European Day of Languages

On Friday September 27, the CALEC team visited the Goethe Institut in New York to celebrate multilingualism by participating in the 2019 European Day of Languages. The day was marked by community building, knowledge sharing, and connecting with a variety of cultural organizations, including Alliance Francaise, China Institute, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Polish Cultural Institute, and Instituto Cervantes.

CALEC was present at the event as a publishing resource, showcasing some of TBR Books’ titles including The Bilingual Revolution and The Gift of Languages. Participants were thrilled to find TBR Books titles available in many of the languages represented at the event, including Polish, Italian, German, and French. Event goers received a code to download a free e-book from the TBR Books site in order to better spread the word about CALEC’s mission and the bilingual revolution. Through this service, CALEC demonstrated its commitment to providing resources to educators and communities interested in bilingual education.

Participants left the Goethe Institut on Friday armed with new connections and renewed enthusiasm for a shared goal: making multilingualism a reality throughout schools within the US and abroad. The CALEC team was happy to engage with the bilingual education community to affirm CALEC’s advocacy for this vital mission. By fostering relationships within the educational community, CALEC will strengthen bilingual education networks and improve its offerings of resources to parents, teachers, and administrators. CALEC thanks the Goethe Institut and participants in the European Day of Languages for their role in a successful celebration of multilingualism.

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Episode 10 avec Marc Maurice

Chef d’établissement, éducateur passionné et défenseur de la diversité linguistique et culturelle, Marc Maurice est l’invité du 10ème épisode du podcast Révolution Bilingue.

Né en Haïti et installé aux États-Unis depuis les années 70, il nous parle de son intégration difficile dans ce pays, du multilinguisme en Haïti et de la New York French-American Charter School (NYFACS), une école bilingue unique en son genre qu’il dirige depuis quelques années à Harlem.

Le podcast “Révolution Bilingue” est proposé par French Morning avec le soutien de CALEC (Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities).

Écoutez l’épisode ici, sur le site de French Morning ou sur iTunes Podcast.