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CALEC at Festival du Livre de Paris 2023

CALEC, a publishing house that specializes in multilingual education, is excited to announce their participation in this year’s edition of the Festival du Livre de Paris. This book fair is hosted at Grand Palais ÉphĂ©mère, located in front of the iconic Eiffel Tower, and is considered the leading book event in France. With CALEC Éditions and TBR Books, CALEC’s publications will be well represented at the festival. Visitors can find our booth (B27) located in the Aile Suffren.

The Festival du Livre de Paris is an opportunity for book lovers and industry professionals to come together, discover new books, and engage with authors. This year, CALEC is proud to host two notable authors during the festival. On Friday, April 21 at 3pm, Ellen Bialystok will give a talk and sign books at our booth. Ellen Bialystok is a renowned author who has published numerous books and articles on bilingualism and cognitive development.

On April 22 in the afternoon, Fabrice Jaumont will sign his latest books at our booth. Fabrice Jaumont is a leading expert on bilingual education and has published several books on the topic. His first book, “The Bilingual Revolution: The Future of Education is in Two Languages,” has been praised for its insights into the benefits of bilingual education and the importance of promoting multilingualism.

CALEC is thrilled to be part of this exciting event and to showcase our publications on multilingual education. We believe that promoting multilingualism is essential to fostering understanding and respect among different cultures and communities. We invite everyone to join us at the Festival du Livre de Paris to celebrate the power of language and diversity. Come visit our booth (B27) in the Aile Suffren and meet our authors, Ellen Bialystok and Fabrice Jaumont. We look forward to seeing you there!

Continue reading CALEC at Festival du Livre de Paris 2023
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Call for Papers – Extended Deadline May 1st

Multilingualism and Cultural Fluency in the Professional World 

Call for Papers / Appel Ă  communications

The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities has announced the following call for papers. 
Le Centre pour l’avancement des langues, de l’éducation et des communautĂ©s lance cet appel Ă  communications. 
Title: Multilingualism and Cultural Fluency in the Professional World 
Titre: Plurilinguisme et compĂ©tence interculturelle dans le monde professionnel 

Overview of the Book

The study of multilingualism is a relatively young science. At the same time, the number of multilingual individuals worldwide is increasing , and the view of multilingualism is changing rapidly in the professional world. 

In this book, Multilingualism and Cultural Fluency in the Professional World, we wish to examine the realities, opportunities, and challenges of being multilingual and culturally fluent in today’s and tomorrow’s professional world. This book, therefore, tries to answer two main questions: why are multilingualism and cultural fluency relevant in the professional world, and how can we effectively prepare future professionals best to be multilingual and culturally fluent? 

The world economy is indeed more global and multicultural than ever before. In the global world, advanced personal and professional skills are needed, including communicating efficiently in different languages and across different cultures. In this context, multilinguals are not only sought after in niche professions such as diplomacy or translation services: nowadays, more traditional fields, organizations, and firms have a global reach, and multilinguals can bring a different view or perspective on a particular issue. They can help think “outside of the box” and offer creative solutions that can be decisive during the decision-making and problem-solving process. 

In the last twenty years, the advantages of being multilingual have become increasingly apparent. The book aims to show that multilinguals can more efficiently help navigate language and cultural barriers and differences in various industries and company cultures. This is an asset in a world where cultural differences can tremendously affect organizations and teams. This need is reinforced by the fact that global teams are less bound by location since the covid crisis facilitated remote work. 

In the meantime, multilingual education exists everywhere in the world. Canada’s immersion programs in North America started as early as the 1960s. From there, multilingual education spread to the United States and is now considered a very efficient education model. Multiple stakeholders are now involved in multilingual education, from groups protecting minority languages to states aiming for internationalization or unity. More and more, however, programs seem to revolve around a rationale including global and local benefits for individuals, shifting the target of multilingual programs from minority to majority groups. At the same time, the politics of multilingualism, the debate around teaching methods, or the shortage of highly qualified teachers can be ongoing issues in implementing and managing multilingual programs. 

In the first book section, we will offer a diverse perspective on multilingualism and multiculturalism and answer the following questions: Do multilinguals with two or more majority languages have a competitive advantage in global economies? Is there a link between multilingualism and economic growth? Is mastering a heritage language beneficial or a hindrance in the professional world? Is multilingualism valuable for employment? Is cultural fluency a must-have along with multilingualism in the global workplace? Are multiculturalism and multilingualism the same? What is the relation between multilingualism and cross-cultural abilities or cultural fluency?

In the second section, we aim to discuss the conditions upon which educational systems or academic programs can prepare students for a global workplace. Guiding questions could include: How can we effectively train future workers to become multilinguals? Must any public and private education alike be multilingual to be future-ready? What forces can support or hinder the development of a multilingual education program? What kinds of teachers’ backgrounds, perceptions, or instructional practices support multilingual programs? What student outcomes promote democracy and human rights, and what types and proficiency levels allow individuals to take advantage of global opportunities? Are the skills and competencies needed for these outcomes different? What context and constraints exist in the policy and practice of multilingual education? At a different level, the book could discuss the different types of international organizations and see current recruitment conditions or language policies within these organizations or companies. More generally, it will be possible to determine which languages ​​are most in demand and why? Finally, the book could look at further education institutions and examine their conceptualization of multilingualism.

The authors will offer various insights into different multilingualism and multiculturalism practice models. Chapters will cover different world areas, disciplinary approaches, and languages​. This book will also provide insights into developing multilingual and multicultural teams as a strategy for a diversity of thoughts and means to achieve more significant results. Through selected cases, this book will also highlight the commitment of various education systems to multiple forms of multilingual and language education to ensure that the next generation is prepared to thrive in our global reality. Finally, the book will propose solutions to advance students’ language and cultural competencies, preparing them to be future productive bilingual and multicultural citizens.

Description du livre

L’Ă©tude du plurilinguisme est encore une science assez jeune, alors que le nombre de personnes plurilingues dans le monde augmente, de sorte que la vision du plurilinguisme est appelĂ©e Ă  Ă©voluer rapidement dans le monde professionnel.  Dans ce livre, intitulĂ© Plurilinguisme et compĂ©tence interculturelle dans le monde professionnel, nous souhaitons examiner les rĂ©alitĂ©s, les opportunitĂ©s et les dĂ©fis que reprĂ©sentent le plurilinguisme et la maĂ®trise de la compĂ©tence interculturelle dans le monde professionnel d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Ce livre, dans cette perspective, tente de rĂ©pondre Ă  deux questions centrales: pourquoi le plurilinguisme et la compĂ©tence interculturelle sont-ils pertinents dans le monde professionnel, et comment prĂ©parer au mieux les futurs professionnels Ă  ĂŞtre plurilingues et compĂ©tents interculturellement ?

L’Ă©conomie mondiale est plus globale et multiculturelle que jamais. Dans ce monde globalisĂ©, des compĂ©tences interpersonnelles et interprofessionnelles avancĂ©es sont nĂ©cessaires, notamment la capacitĂ© Ă  communiquer efficacement dans diffĂ©rentes langues et Ă  travers diffĂ©rentes cultures. Dans ce contexte, les plurilingues ne sont pas seulement recherchĂ©s dans des professions de niche telles que la diplomatie ou les services de traduction ; les plurilingues peuvent apporter une vision ou une perspective diffĂ©rente sur une question particulière de nos jours dans des domaines plus traditionnels, ou au sein d’organisations et d’entreprises Ă  portĂ©e mondiale. Les plurilingues peuvent aider Ă  sortir des sentiers battus et proposer des solutions crĂ©atives souvent dĂ©cisives dans le processus de prise de dĂ©cision et de rĂ©solution des problèmes.

Au cours des vingt dernières annĂ©es, les avantages du plurilinguisme (des individus) et du multilinguisme (des organisations et des sociĂ©tĂ©s) sont devenus de plus en plus Ă©vidents. Ce livre vise Ă  montrer que les plurilingues sont des personnes capables de surmonter, avec beaucoup d’efficacitĂ©, de nombreuses barrières linguistiques et culturelles, ainsi que les diffĂ©rences entre les multiples secteurs et cultures d’entreprise. VĂ©ritable atout dans un monde oĂą les diffĂ©rences culturelles peuvent affecter considĂ©rablement nos modes d’organisation et de cohĂ©sion au sein des Ă©quipes, cette compĂ©tence est renforcĂ©e par la pratique du tĂ©lĂ©travail qui peut distendre les liens entre collaborateurs Ă©parpillĂ©s sur la planète sans lieu de travail physique en commun, un phĂ©nomène qui s’est accentuĂ© avec la pandĂ©mie de COVID-19.

Parallèlement, l’Ă©ducation multilingue existe maintenant partout dans le monde. Les programmes d’immersion ont commencĂ© au Canada dès les annĂ©es 1960. A partir de lĂ , l’Ă©ducation multilingue s’est rĂ©pandue et est maintenant considĂ©rĂ©e comme un modèle très efficace. De multiples acteurs sont impliquĂ©s dans l’Ă©ducation multilingue, que ce soit des groupes protĂ©geant les langues minoritaires ou des États visant l’internationalisation de leur population ou une certaine unitĂ© identitaire. NĂ©anmoins, il semble que de plus en plus, les programmes semblent s’articuler autour d’une logique mettant en avant les bĂ©nĂ©fices globaux et locaux pour les individus, dĂ©plaçant la cible des programmes multilingues des groupes minoritaires vers les groupes majoritaires. En mĂŞme temps, les aspects politiques du multilinguisme, le dĂ©bat autour des mĂ©thodes d’enseignement ou la pĂ©nurie d’enseignants hautement qualifiĂ©s peuvent ĂŞtre des problèmes rĂ©currents concernant la mise en place et la gestion des programmes multilingues.

Dans la première partie du livre, nous offrirons une perspective diversifiĂ©e sur le plurilinguisme et tenterons de rĂ©pondre aux questions suivantes : les personnes plurilingues possĂ©dant deux langues majoritaires ou plus ont-elles un avantage concurrentiel dans les Ă©conomies mondialisĂ©es ? La maĂ®trise d’une langue d’origine est-elle un avantage ou un obstacle dans le monde professionnel ? Le plurilinguisme est-il utile pour l’emploi ? La maĂ®trise de compĂ©tences interculturelles est-elle indispensable, au mĂŞme titre que le plurilinguisme, dans un marchĂ© du travail globalisĂ© ? Existe-t-il un lien entre multilinguisme et croissance Ă©conomique ? Multiculturalisme et le multilinguisme sont-ils synonymes ? Quelle est la relation entre plurilinguisme et compĂ©tences interculturelles ?

Dans la deuxième partie du livre, nous souhaitons discuter des conditions nĂ©cessaires afin de prĂ©parer les futurs professionnels Ă  un marchĂ© du travail globalisĂ©. Pour cela, les auteurs pourront tenter de rĂ©pondre aux questions suivantes : comment former les futurs travailleurs Ă  devenir plurilingues ? L’enseignement public comme privĂ© doit-il ĂŞtre multilingue pour ĂŞtre tournĂ© vers l’avenir? Quelles forces peuvent encourager ou entraver le dĂ©veloppement d’un programme d’Ă©ducation multilingue ? Quel type d’expĂ©riences, de mentalitĂ©s ou de pratiques pĂ©dagogiques les enseignants doivent avoir afin de promouvoir les programmes multilingues ? Quel type de compĂ©tences favorise la dĂ©mocratie et les droits de l’homme, et quel type de compĂ©tences donne aux individus la possibilitĂ© de tirer parti d’opportunitĂ©s professionnelles mondiales ? Les aptitudes et compĂ©tences requises pour ces objectifs sont-elles diffĂ©rentes ? Quel contexte et quelles contraintes existent dans la politique et la pratique de l’Ă©ducation multilingue ? Le livre abordera Ă©galement les conditions de recrutement ou les politiques linguistiques actuelles des diffĂ©rents types d’organisations internationales. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, il sera possible de s’interroger sur le statut des langues dans le monde: quelles langues sont les plus demandĂ©es et pourquoi ? Enfin, le livre pourrait aborder les Ă©tablissements d’enseignement supĂ©rieur et examiner leur conceptualisation du plurilinguisme.

Ce livre souhaite offrir une perspective diversifiĂ©e sur le plurilinguisme et le multiculturalisme dans le monde professionnel. Les chapitres offriront une large gamme d’approches disciplinaires et couvriront diffĂ©rentes zones gĂ©ographiques et langues d’utilisation. Les auteurs proposeront Ă©galement divers modèles de pratique du plurilinguisme et du multiculturalisme au travail. Ce livre donnera Ă©galement un aperçu du dĂ©veloppement d’Ă©quipes multilingues et multiculturelles en tant que stratĂ©gie pour une diversitĂ© de pensĂ©es et de moyens afin d’obtenir des rĂ©sultats plus significatifs. Par le biais d’études de cas sĂ©lectionnĂ©s, ce livre mettra Ă©galement en lumière l’engagement de divers systèmes Ă©ducatifs envers de multiples formes d’Ă©ducation multilingue et linguistique afin de garantir que la prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration soit prĂ©parĂ©e Ă  prospĂ©rer dans notre rĂ©alitĂ© mondiale.

Target Audience

Our target audience comprises people with diverse backgrounds, such as working professionals, educators, academics, policymakers, and members of civil society. The goal is to make this book widely accessible. 

Public visé

Notre public cible est composĂ© de personnes d’origines diverses telles que des professionnels, les Ă©ducateurs, chercheurs, les dĂ©cideurs politiques, les membres de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile. Nous espĂ©rons donc que ce livre soit largement accessible.

Submission Guidelines 

Authors who are working on the topic and are interested in having their work considered for this book must submit the following to the CALEC’S editorial team at before May 1st, 2023. 

  • Statement of interest (half a page)
  • Title and subtitle of the chapter 
  • A 200-word abstract outlining the paper and responding to the questions:
    • What does the author expect to achieve with their essay? 
    • What are they offering? (Topic and solutions) 
  • Writing sample (1.5 to 2 pages, Times New Roman, 250-300 words) 
  • Description of illustrations (black and white only), if applicable
  • If applicable. 
  • A brief biographical note (half a page) should include the author’s experience in bilingual environments and affiliation to an institution if applicable. 

Authors can write in French or English. Everything must be turned in in Word and a PDF document, Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced. 

Directives de soumission

Les auteurs qui travaillent sur le sujet et qui souhaitent que leur travail soit pris en compte pour ce livre doivent soumettre ce qui suit Ă  l’Ă©quipe Ă©ditoriale de CALEC Ă  l’adresse avant le 1er mai 2023. 

  • DĂ©claration d’intĂ©rĂŞt (une demi-page)
  • Titre et sous-titre du chapitre 
  • Un rĂ©sumĂ© de 200 mots dĂ©crivant l’article et rĂ©pondant aux questions:
    • Qu’est-ce que l’auteur s’attend Ă  accomplir avec son essai ? 
    • Que propose-t-il ? (Sujet et solutions) 
  • Échantillon d’Ă©criture (1,5 Ă  2 pages, Times New Roman, 250-300 mots) 
  • Description des illustrations (noir et blanc uniquement), le cas Ă©chĂ©ant. 
  • Une brève notice biographique (une demi-page) qui doit inclure l’expĂ©rience de l’auteur dans des environnements bilingues et l’affiliation Ă  une institution, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant. 

Les auteurs peuvent Ă©crire en français ou en anglais. Tous ces Ă©lĂ©ments doivent ĂŞtre transmis ensemble dans un document Word et PDF, Times New Roman, taille 12, double interligne. 

Selection Process 

The committee will choose 15-20 chapters. If the author’s work is accepted, they will be contacted before May 1st, 2023. The author must turn in their finished chapters before July 30, 2023. Each essay must be submitted both in a Word and a PDF document. It may have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 double-spaced pages. Times New Roman, 1-inch margins all the way around (250-300 words or around 1700 characters, including spaces, per page). 

Processus de sĂ©lection 

Le comitĂ© choisira 15-20 chapitres. Si le travail de l’auteur est acceptĂ©, il/elle sera contactĂ©(e) avant le 1er mai 2023. L’auteur devra remettre ses chapitres terminĂ©s avant le 30 juillet 2023. Chaque essai doit ĂŞtre soumis Ă  la fois dans un document Word et PDF. Il peut comporter un minimum de 10 et un maximum de 12 pages Ă  double interligne. Times New Roman, marges de 1 pouce tout autour (250-300 mots ou environ 1700 caractères, espaces compris, par page). 


For more information, contact the editors at  

Pour plus d’information, contactez les directeurs de publication Ă 


Editors – Directeurs de publication Dr. Fabrice Jaumont & Dr. Mehdi Lazar
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Italy Tour for La Rivoluzione Bilingue

Dr. Fabrice Jaumont is a scholar-practitioner, award-winning author, non-profit leader, and education advisor based in New York. He will give several talks in Rome and Naples in February 2023. On February 22, he will present his work at the University Roma Tre at the invitation of the Language Center. On February 23, the University of Naples Federico II will host his talk entitled: The Bilingual Revolution / La Rivoluzione bilingue : The Future of Education is in Two Languages / Il futuro dell’istruzione in due lingue, in partnership with Bilingualism Matters. In addition, he will meet with officials at the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit, as well as take part in discussions and book signings with several organizations.

Special thanks to:

For more information on the talks, please send an email to

Books can be ordered from or

For more information on Fabrice Jaumont or his publications, please visit

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CALEC at the 2022 Frankfurt Book Fair

CALEC and its editorial branches TBR Books and CALEC France Éditions participated in the 2022 Frankfurt Book Fair from October 19 to October 23.

Author Barbara Schindelhauer signed her new book, My Garden is a Square, co-authored with Mark Hansen, and author Fabrice Jaumont gave a talk and signed copies of his new book, Conversations on Bilingualism.

CALEC’s stand featured many of our books, including Rhonda Broussard’s One Good Question, Ellen Bialystok’s Bilingual Children, The Heart of an Artichoke, by Linda Ashour and Claire Lerognon; Rose Alone by Sheila Decosse, recently discussed in the East Hampton Star; Can We Agree to Disagree by Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt who were recently featured in France-AmĂ©rique; Deana Sobel Lederman’s Rainbow, Masks, and Ice Cream trilogy, now available in 14 languages; Le projet Colibri by Vickie FrĂ©mont; Valerie Sun’s Navigating Dual Immersion, Teboho Moja’s trilogy The Blue Dress, Uncle Steve’s Country Home, and The Good, The Ugly, and The Great, and many more.

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Laissez les bons temps rouler in New Orleans

Several TBR Books authors attended the American Association of Teachers of French’s annual convention at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans on July 11-14, 2022. The convention’s theme was: “Laissez les bons temps rouler: Explorer la diversitĂ© du monde francophone.”

New Orleans-based Rhonda Broussard signed copies of her new book, One Good Question, at the CALEC booth. Joseph Dunn, Scott Tilton, Emmanuel Kayembe, and Kathleen Stein-Smith, who contributed to the recently-released French All Around Us, gave a talk on language advocacy. The book made the headlines of Frenchly and French Morning last month with the following title: “French All Around Us: The Evolving French Language in the United States.”

CALEC’s booth featured many of our books, including The Heart of an Artichoke, by Linda Ashour and Claire Lerognon, which was recently featured by the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie; Rose Alone by Sheila Decosse, recently discussed in the East Hampton Star; Can We Agree to Disagree by Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt who were recently interviewed by France-AmĂ©rique for the edition of their August magazine; Deana Sobel Lederman’s Rainbow, Masks, and Ice Cream trilogy, now available in 14 languages; Le projet Colibri by Vickie FrĂ©mont; Fabrice Jaumont’s Conversations on Bilingualism; Valerie Sun’s Navigating Dual Immersion, and many more.

More information about TBR Books:

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Book Talk: French is Literally Everywhere: Stories of Francophone Culture in the U.S.

How many times have you wished someone a bon voyage? What about bon appétit? Ever indulged in a fresh croissant or New Orleans-style beignets? Or even just a coffee from Pret À Manger? If you didn’t know it already, French is literally everywhere – in our history and values, in our families, and in our neighborhoods and communities. The United States’ relationship with the French language is as old as the United States itself, and even predates its creation. But have you ever wondered what French culture has given us, beyond the Statue of Liberty, the state of Louisiana, and à la carte menus? Join us May 5th!

Hosted live from New York at the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie on May 5, 2022, at 4pm and on Facebook Live with interpretation in French and in English via French Morning.

As part of the « Spring Festival of La Francophonie » and on the occasion of the release of the 2022 Report on the French Language Worldwide and of the book « French All Around Us », the International Organization of la Francophonie (OIF), the Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC) and French Morning invite you to :

“A conversation on the French Language in the United States : history, commitment and future” #language #education #french #unitedstates #francophonie

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Our first Festival du Livre de Paris

CALEC took part in the 2022 Festival du Livre de Paris hosted at Grand Palais Ephémère in front of the Eiffel Tower. The Festival proposed a new formula over three days by programming meetings, concerts, exhibitions and workshops. 1,000 authors, 1,200 signing sessions, 300 publishers, 200 book talks… The new format, which featured India as highlighted guest, was a great success and attracted about 90,000 visitors. The majority of meetings were full and the aisles were always full. This edition, free for the first time, marks a reunion with curious readers in a festive and warm atmosphere.

CALEC was able to present most of its TBR Books titles, thanks in part to our ongoing partnership with Lightning Source France and Hachette Livre Distribution which has made them available in France. Featured titles included Pareils mais diffĂ©rents by Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt, French all around us, edited by Kathleen Stein-Smith and Fabrice Jaumont who was also with us to sign his book, The Bilingual Revolution. Also featured were newly released books, such as Vickie FrĂ©mont’s Le Projet Colibri, Valerie Sun’s Navigating Dual Immersion, Sheila DeCosse’s Rose Alone, Jane Ross’s Two Centuries of French Education in New York, Claire Lerognon and Linda Ashour’s The Heart of an Artichoke, as well as many books from our back catalog. Of note, our multilingual children’s books were a huge success as visitors were keenly impressed by our wide range of languages offered, and wanted to show their kids what the books felt like in another language. Deana Sobel Lederman’s Masks, Rainbows, and Ice Cream trilogy, which is available in 15 languages, was a big success, and so were Eunjoo Feaster and Mary Chi-Wi Kim’s Korean New Year with Grand Ma, and Mark Hansen’s Math for All, which are soon to be available in many languages.

What better way, in the exceptional setting of Grand Palais EphĂ©mère, to celebrate multilingual books like the ones we love to publish. Next year’s edition will again be held at this beautiful venue on April 21, 22 and 23, 2023 with Italy as the featured country. Time for us to offer more books in Italian and release more children’s books! As it turns out, this is exactly what we are about to do with Teboho Moja’s Keitu, Kene, and Kaelo trilogy, Dounia Stewart-McNeel’s Digestive Fun trilogy, Christine HĂ©lot and Patricia Velasco’s Marimba, Adrienne Mei Irving’s Franglais Soup, and The Word of the Month by Benjamin Levy, Jim Sheppard, and Andrew Arnon who were with us at the fair to celebrate our first participation.

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ConfĂ©rence : La RĂ©volution bilingue – 19 avril

Rejoignez-nous le 19 avril à Paris pour une conférence et signature de Fabrice Jaumont autour de la Révolution bilingue. RSVP:

La RĂ©volution bilingue est une aventure dans le meilleur sens du terme. Au travers d’interviews et d’histoires de pionniers dans le domaine de l’Ă©ducation bilingue, Fabrice Jaumont, auteur français Ă©tabli Ă  New York depuis 2001 et grand dĂ©fenseur de l’Ă©ducation plurilingue aux Etats-Unis, fournit un argumentaire sur les avantages de l’enseignement en deux langues. En effet, l’Ă©ducation bilingue est l’un des grands biens publics de notre Ă©poque. Chaque famille, chaque communautĂ© et chaque nation doit apprendre comment cette simple approche peut transformer un système scolaire entier. Le livre La RĂ©volution bilingue est aujourd’hui disponible en onze langues et a permis Ă  de nombreux enfants de bĂ©nĂ©ficier des atouts du bilinguisme.

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Book talk: La RĂ©volution bilingue – April 19

Join us in Paris on April 19 for Fabrice Jaumont’s book talk and book signing around La RĂ©volution bilingue. RSVP:

La RĂ©volution bilingue est une aventure dans le meilleur sens du terme. Au travers d’interviews et d’histoires de pionniers dans le domaine de l’Ă©ducation bilingue, Fabrice Jaumont, auteur français Ă©tabli Ă  New York depuis 2001 et grand dĂ©fenseur de l’Ă©ducation plurilingue aux Etats-Unis, fournit un argumentaire sur les avantages de l’enseignement en deux langues. En effet, l’Ă©ducation bilingue est l’un des grands biens publics de notre Ă©poque. Chaque famille, chaque communautĂ© et chaque nation doit apprendre comment cette simple approche peut transformer un système scolaire entier. Le livre La RĂ©volution bilingue est aujourd’hui disponible en onze langues et a permis Ă  de nombreux enfants de bĂ©nĂ©ficier des atouts du bilinguisme.

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Festival du Livre de Paris

We are so excited! CALEC and TBR Books, its publishing arm, will take part in Salon du Livre de Paris 2022. Visit our booth (Stand 11-14) and check out some of our books, including Pareils mais diffĂ©rents by Agathe Laurent and Sabine Landolt, Fabrice Jaumont’s La rĂ©volution bilingue (book signing on 04/23), Vickie FrĂ©mont’s Le projet Colibri, Jane Ross’s Deux siècles d’Ă©ducation bilingue, Deana Sobel Lederman’s Masques, and many of our books in English, Arabic, Chinese, and more. Here is our catalog in French (and English, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish…). More information about the Festival here.