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Ribbon Cut and Bilingual Books for New French Dual Language Program in NYC

On October 2, CALEC President Fabrice Jaumont, PhD joined Council Member Ben Kallos, French Consul Jérémie Robert, Community Education Council President Maud Maron, parents, teachers, and school administrators for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate two new French dual language classes that have opened at the District 2 Pre-K Center located at 355 East 76th Street in Manhattan. The joyous occasion for the families who attended the ribbon cutting and for all supporters comes after a very dedicated group of parents, including members of the Francophone community from Canada, Africa, and France, met with more than two hundred families who pledged to send their children to a French dual language program in Manhattan if one was created. We particularly congratulate the incredible efforts put forth by parents such as Stéphane Lautner, Catherine Rémy, and Nadia Levy who have kept the torch of the Bilingual Revolution burning in Manhattan. The French dual language classes began on September 21st with seats for 36 pre-K students. On behalf of CALEC’s TBR Books program Fabrice Jaumont offered the school several copies of Deana Sobel Lederman’s Rainbow, Masks, and Ice Cream trilogy in both French and English.

Here are quotes from some of the participants as well as a news report and additional photos and links.

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