What is the Bilingual Revolution?

The Bilingual Revolution is a movement toward international bilingualism. Through parent involvement in their school districts, the goal is to implement bilingual immersion programs in schools across the nation and to make bilingualism the norm.

How can I start a Dual-Language
Program at my school?

Contact the superintendent and ask, as they know their districts best. The DLPs are considered a game-changer to a public school as usually engaged parents make an average school a top neighborhood school. Make sure to keep the following criterion in mind when talking to the superintendent: Have a welcoming and dedicated principal, leadership, and/or teacher team; Ensure the school has the space/capacity to host the program for the next 4-5 years; and make sure there is access to public transportation in your area.

How can parents advertise
a Dual Language Program?

You will have to use all forms of communication and try to spread the message and find likeminded parents locally. Some ideas are:


Prepare flyers and distribute them in your neighborhood at parks/playgrounds, children’s hair salons, early childhood centers, supermarkets, libraries, parenthood apps, etc.


Contact local media & regional journalists.


Use blogs & websites of your institutional partners (e.g. embassies, consulates, cultural institutions, after care partners, restaurants, etc.)


Build a website and/or Facebook page. Spread the word by telling your friends and parent and teachers at school.