La revolución bilingüe

La revolución bilingüe: El futuro de la educación está en dos idiomas.
La revolución bilingüe no es solamente un libro práctico y accesible que te acompañará en tu proyecto, también es la historia de un movimiento nacido en Brooklyn, contada a través de los ojos de padres y educadores que fundaron programas bilingües en sus escuelas porque estaban convencidos de que este tipo de educación era un bien público que debía desarrollarse en todas partes, ya que puede transformar positivamente a un niño, una familia, una escuela, una comunidad e incluso a un país.
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La revolución bilingüe no es solamente un libro práctico y accesible que te acompañará en tu proyecto, también es la historia de un movimiento nacido en Brooklyn, contada a través de los ojos de padres y educadores que fundaron programas bilingües en sus escuelas porque estaban convencidos de que este tipo de educación era un bien público que debía desarrollarse en todas partes, ya que puede transformar positivamente a un niño, una familia, una escuela, una comunidad e incluso a un país.

Cover Artwork by Raymond Verdaguer

El Autor 

En 2014 el periódico The New York Times le otorgó a Fabrice Jaumont el sobrenombre de “Padrino de los programas de inmersión de idiomas”. Jaumont tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en la educación internacional y en el desarrollo de programas multilingües, y ha puesto su experiencia al servicio de las comunidades francesa, italiana, japonesa, alemana y rusa de Estados Unidos, para ayudarles a desarrollar programas bilingües de calidad en las escuelas públicas. Visite el sitio web de Fabrice Jaumont:


Lo que dicen los expertos:

“El multilingüismo ya no es un lujo ofrecido sólo a los ricos o afortunados que pueden asistir a programas bilingues; es una habilidad crítica del siglo XXI que los niños tendrán que ser exitosos en su futuro trabajo y vida. La Revolución Bilingüe de Jaumont nivela el campo de juego compartiendo varios modelos de programas en el mundo y las mejores prácticas, al mismo tiempo desmitifica el aprendizaje de idiomas para que los padres y educadores tengan una hoja de ruta para comenzar una “revolución” propia. La Revolución Bilingüe es una lectura obligada para cualquier padre que quiera asegurarse de que su hijo estará listo para el mundo y la fuerza laboral “.
—Angela Jackson, Fundadora, Global Language Project


El libro de Jaumont se encuentra al borde de la revolución bilingüe que atraviesa el sistema escolar de los Estados Unidos en este momento y pregunta cómo podría mejorarse y alentarse. Jaumont describe el creciente entusiasmo del país por la educación multilingüe y ofrece una hoja de ruta para las comunidades que quieran unirse al movimiento.”
—Conor Williams, PhD Senior Researcher, New America’s
Education Policy Program Founder, DLL National Work Group


“Este atractivo libro narra la historia de la educación bilingüe en los Estados Unidos y las fuerzas sociales que modelaron esa trayectoria desde una perspectiva personal y académica. La pieza central de este libro es un manual de “cómo hacerlo” para crear su propia escuela bilingüe y crear su propia revolución. Recomendado para padres, maestros y todos los que piensan que los idiomas son importantes.”
—Ellen Bialystok, OC, PhD, FRSC. Distinguished Research Professor
Walter Gordon York Research Chair in Lifespan Cognitive Development
York University


“Fabrice Jaumont teje las historias personales, políticas y comunitarias del creciente movimiento bilingüe en un libro convincente y de importancia vital que entrelaza historias personales con la práctica y la ciencia de la educación bilingüe. Esta obra maestra será indispensable para los padres y líderes educativos en los Estados Unidos y en el extranjero.”
—William P. Rivers, Ph.D. Executive Director. Joint National Committee for Languages – National Council for Language and International Studies

7 reviews for La revolución bilingüe

  1. N. Charles

    If you’re interested in bilingual education, this book is for you. By creating more dual-language programs in schools, we give the opportunity to children to keep their heritage language, to learn a new language, growing up discovering a new culture. We, parents, can be involved and make things change! We need bilingual education to be the new norm, creating a more inclusive society.

  2. analyst

    This book is a gem. For anyone interested in bilingual education accessible for all children in public schools – whether you be a parent, activist, educator, administrator, or enthusiast – this book is for you. Through short but sweet vignettes describing how parents built a veritable empire of dual language programs in NYC public schools, as well as introductory and concluding chapters dedicated to documenting the larger history of bilingualism (or lack thereof) in America, Jaumont crafts a beautiful testament to the power of language and the beauty of multilingualism and multiculturalism. You will leave feeling empowered and ready to share the gift of bilingualism with all children, so that they may be true citizens of the world, as is Jaumont’s hope.

  3. jsl

    Mr. Jaumont speaks knowledgeably from over two decades of educational experience and clearly makes the case of how critically important bilingualism and a bilingual education is for children. His insights into childhood learning and the development / learning of languages will be valuable to any reader who is hoping to bring their child up speaking (as well as reading and writing) another language, or parents who are hoping to establish a bilingual program in their school.

  4. jose manuel grivet

    Research shows that students enrolled in language immersion programs perform as well or better than their non-immersion peers. The bilingual revolution is in place. Dr. Jaumont’s book should be read by all education leaders, teachers, and parents who want to host or sustain such programs. Dr. Jaumont provides in-depth insight on the development and success of bilingual programs offered in several languages, using his knowledge and experience in the field. A road map gives a clear overview of how to create a dual-language program. A large amount of references including peer-reviewed articles is provided for further readings. The book that needs to be on your reading list!

  5. Marion GUERRIERO

    With the nation’s interest for dual-language education programs growing at the speed of light, Jaumont’s book “The Bilingual Revolution” has become a reference in less than six months.

    The book is directed to parents of bi-cultural children but Jaumont also aims to demonstrate the ability for monolingual families to extend the gift of bilingualism to future generations.

    Using appendix, roadmaps and checklists; Jaumont highlights key approaches and tools needed to begin a local “revolution”. Filled with resources on bilingualism studies including cultural identity and child development research, the lecture – in a friendly and accessible format – will also empower anyone willing to learn more about the field from a 25+ years expert of European descent.

    From inside the communities and the schools, and at the heart of the Big Apple; Jaumont reveals the unsettling truth about a public education system that can no longer disregard the needs for multicultural acceptance starting with language acquisition.

  6. Chris C

    Gone are the days when American teachers and educators could organize a ‘mock funeral’ to mourn the end of non-English speaking practice and celebrate the subsequent integration of the many English Language Learners into public schools. “Spanish can now rest in peace” they said. Many years after those distant days, Americans have finally understood that the benefits of bilingual education are of considerable importance in many ways and well supported by academic research. These benefits span from academic performance to mental health, better social skills and better salaries than their monolingual peers.

    Thanks to Fabrice Jaumont’s meticulous account of the efforts made to make the dream of biliteral education come true in NYC public schools, it is now possible for families who have a different language at home and cannot afford to send their children in private DL programs to continue to speak their language and culture at public school. The Bilingual Revolution offers a fabulous opportunity for newly arrived families to take advantage of the changes that the Department of Education has introduced with regard to multilingualism and multiculturalism. They will also learn about all those ‘non-written’ rules, hurdles and perils that may arise in the process of creation of DL programs in the Big Apple. Grazie, Fabrice, da una mamma italiana.

  7. Valerie Sun

    Mr. Jaumont captures the essential elements for a revolution to begin in public education. The movement toward bilingual education, where all students have the opportunity to become bilingual, is happening right now. He outlines the path for parents to take as major stakeholders and change-makers in public education. He highlights the successes and struggles of various cultural groups that have been able to start dual-immersion programs in various parts of the country – New York, Los Angeles, for example. He provides recognition that dual-immersion is not just for White, monolingual middle-class families; it is also for all the immigrant and/or second/third/fourth generation families who wish to preserve their language and culture after its loss. This book is written in an easy and approachable manner for administrators, teachers, bilingual education advocates, and parents who wish to contribute to this movement. It’s a good starting place for those seeking to have dual-immersion possibilities in their neighborhoods.

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