
This is who we are

The Center for the Advancement of Languages, Education, and Communities (CALEC) is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting multilingualism, empowering multilingual families, and fostering cross-cultural understanding. The Center’s mission is in alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Our mission is to establish language as a critical life skill, through developing and implementing bilingual education programs, promoting diversity, reducing inequality, and helping to provide quality education. Our programs seek to protect world cultural heritage and support teachers, authors, and families by providing the knowledge and resources to create vibrant multilingual communities.

The specific objectives and purpose of our organization are:

Quality Education

To develop and implement education programs that promote multilingualism and cross-cultural understanding, and establish an inclusive and equitable quality education, including internship and leadership training.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

To help build sustainable cities and communities and support teachers, authors, researchers, and families in the advancement of multilingualism and cross-cultural understanding through collaborative tools for linguistic communities.

Reduced Inequalities

To publish and distribute resources, including research papers, books, and case studies that seek to empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, with a focus on language education and cultural diversity, equity and inclusion.

Partnerships for the Goals

To foster strong global partnerships and cooperation, and mobilize resources across borders, to participate in events and activities that promote language education through knowledge sharing and coaching, empowering parents and teachers, and building multilingual societies.

Take a look at some of the initiatives and projects brought forth by CALEC that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


CALEC is currently developing Read in 2 Languages, an online book platform with books available in multiple languages. We want to encourage multilingualism by providing access to our books for schools and communities interested in literacy, language, and bilingual education. With this platform, CALEC wants to promote inclusive quality education and learning opportunities for all.


In October 2021, two new French dual language classes opened in Manhattan, thanks to the advocacy of dedicated parents and educators. By providing access to bilingual education, including the contribution of dual language children’s books from CALEC’s TBR Books program, this initiative promotes equal opportunities and fosters a more inclusive educational environment for children of diverse backgrounds.


Read the latest book in the Bilingual Revolution series, published by CALEC Éditions. This book seeks to examine the potential of multilingual education across the countries of Africa. By valuing cultural preservation and advocating for the integration of local languages into educational systems, this book can help create sustainable and resilient communities by fostering a sense of identity, pride and belonging among community members.


Through book talks and seminars with our CALEC-published authors, CALEC continuously highlights the cognitive and social advantages or bilingualism, as well as addresses the challenges and opportunities of bilingual education. By raising awareness about the benefits of bilingual education, our book talks can advocate for policy changes at both national, regional and local levels, thus promoting collaboration and partnerships among educators, policymakers, and community members worldwide.

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