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Révolution Bilingue Épisode 12 : Vanessa Bertelli, la Suissesse qui veut rendre Washington bilingue

Passage par Washington pour ce douzième épisode de Révolution bilingue en partant à la rencontre de Vanessa Bertelli. Cette suissesse multilingue engagée, fondatrice de DC Immersion, une organisation à but non lucratif qui a changé la donne en matière d’éducation bilingue dans la ville en multipliant les plaidoyers en faveur du multilinguisme et en encourageant les éducateurs et les parents à monter des filières bilingues dans les écoles publiques. Quand la Révolution bilingue s’empare de la capitale américaine !

Retrouvez cet épisode ainsi que les précédents sur nos plateformes : Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou encore Spreakr
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Révolution Bilingue Épisode 12 : Vanessa Bertelli, la suissesse qui veut rendre Washington bilingue

Passage par Washington pour ce douzième épisode de Révolution bilingue en partant à la rencontre de Vanessa Bertelli. Cette suissesse multilingue engagée, fondatrice de DC Immersion, une organisation à but non lucratif qui a changé la donne en matière d’éducation bilingue dans la ville en multipliant les plaidoyers en faveur du multilinguisme et en encourageant les éducateurs et les parents à monter des filières bilingues dans les écoles publiques. Quand la Révolution bilingue s’empare de la capitale américaine !

Retrouvez cet épisode ainsi que les précédents sur nos plateformes : Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou encore Spreaker

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Polish Bilingual Day 2019

On October 20th, 2019, the CALEC team took a field trip to Copiague, New York to participate in the 2019 Polish Bilingual Day at Polonia of Long Island. This family-oriented event featured celebrations of Polish language and culture through music, dance, and presentations from members of the Polish American community. One of the events main features was a presentation by the students and teachers of Kids Academy in Lindenhurst, a Polish language day care program, during which they highlighted their knowledge of the Polish language through games and songs. CALEC brought copies of its Polish translation of The Bilingual Revolution, and representatives spoke about CALEC’s mission and advocacy for dual-language education. They also provided resources to eventgoers interested in CALEC’s work and interviewed members of the Polish American community about the role of bilingualism in their lives.

Since the creation and documentation of Greenpoint’s Polish-English dual-language program in 2015, more Polish speaking parents and teachers have been inspired to advocate for similar programs in their own schools. Events like Polish Bilingual Day provide fantastic opportunities for communities to come together to celebrate their linguistic heritage and discuss education as a tool to further integrate bilingualism into their communities.

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El Festival Del Libro

CALEC was in East Harlem on October 9th and 13th participating in the bilingual fair organized by La Fortaleza Community Development Corporation. El Festival del Libro [The Festival of Books] was the 7th annual bilingual Hispanic Heritage Month Literary Event that featured readings, workshops, and performances in both English and Spanish. Its purpose is to celebrate the bilingual heritage of Latin@ writers and offered a great networking opportunity to the community. 

El Festival Del Libro created a safe space for bilingual Latin@ writers to showcase their work, learn from each other, support each other, and build connections to empower each other. The event held multiple cultural workshops in dance, wellness, music, and writing to celebrate Latin@ cultures.

CALEC was present at the event as a publishing resource, showcasing some of TBR Books’ multilingual titles, and as an avid promoter of bilingual education. Participants were excited to learn about CALEC’s work and received a code to obtain our Bilingual Revolution e-book for free. The CALEC team fostered relationships with Latin@ writers, organizations, wellness coaches, and cultural dance teachers, building a network among a diverse community. Through this service CALEC demonstrated its commitment to support a diverse community and authors engaged in multilingual education and cultural development. CALEC thanks La Fortaleza Community Development Corporation for allowing us to be a part of their event and community, gracias!

“It is important that we create a space for our authors because no one else will… we need to support each other”, said Felix, the event coordinator of this festival. 

The event was also featured in CBS News!

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Révolution Bilingue Épisode 11 : La Chine se passionne pour le plurilinguisme

Passage par la Chine pour l’épisode 11 de Révolution bilingue, avec une interview de Yu Zhonggen et Zhu Yanhua, tout deux spécialistes des langues à Pékin, qui ont accepté d’être interviewé par Fabrice Jaumont. L’enseignement des langues est en plein essor en Chine et les perspectives de croissance du secteur du plurilinguisme, au sein duquel le français tient une bonne place, sont absolument renversantes.

Retrouvez cette épisode ainsi que les précédents sur nos plateformes : Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou encore Spreaker