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DC Multilingual Fair

It was great to see so much interest for multilingualism and bilingual education in Washington, DC last Saturday! The CALEC team, which included Yenlik and Meichen took part in DC Immersion’s Multilingual Education Fair with a table loaded with books, brochures, and goodies! We were thrilled to make so many new connections! 🙂 Many thanks to DC Language Immersion Project for your amazing work! 👏

#BilingualFair #DCevents #education #bilingualism

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Révolution Bilingue Épisode 13 : Comment les bilingues apprennent à lire avec Marie Bouteillon

Dans quelle langue doit-on commencer à lire ? Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques d’enseignement de la lecture et de l’écriture en contexte bilingue ?

Quels conseils donner aux parents qui n’ont pas accès à une école bilingue pour développer le bilinguisme et le bilettrisme. Voici quelques questions abordées dans ce nouvel épisode de Révolution bilingue avec Marie Bouteillon, une pédagogue passionnante et engagée dans le développement de l’enseignement en deux langues, qui nous parle du rapport parfois tendu qui existe entre la langue dominante et la langue seconde et le rôle essentiel, et parfois difficile, que jouent les enseignants dans le processus d’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture en deux langues.

Retrouvez cet épisode ainsi que les précédents sur nos plateformes : Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou encore Spreakr.
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Révolution bilingue in Manhattan

Full house in support of more French dual-language programs in New York organized by Stephane Lautner, a French-American parent who has worked tirelessly to create a new program in Manhattan. Salle pleine pour les programmes bilingues de New York avec une réunion organisée par Stéphane Lautner, un parent franco-américain qui travaille sans relâche pour créer un programme à Manhattan.

Continue reading Révolution bilingue in Manhattan
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New York Launch of La Rivoluzione Bilingue

The New York launch of La Rivoluzione Bilingue was a success. It was hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute in their beautiful mansion on Park Avenue. The event was organized by InItaliano and the Consulate of Italy in New York.

InItaliano strives to keep parents informed about their options in their children’s education. Founded by Stefania Puxeddu, Benedetta Scardovi, and Francesco Fadda here is how InItaliano presented this event: “As we all know, in this country, parental involvement, along with the support of the DOE key players, is what makes the difference in this Bilingual Revolution. Together we can make informed decisions and make a change!” All net proceeds for “La Rivoluzione bilingue” were donated to InItaliano in support of Italian dual-language education in New York.
The book talk was introduced by Paolo Barlera, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute, followed by Francesco Genuardi, Consul General of Italy who reminded us of his country’s engagement for multilingualism and for the advancement of the Italian language in the United States. Education Director Annavaleria Guazzieri interviewed author Fabrice Jaumont and moderated the discussion. It was great to launch the Italian translation in such grand style with the author, the book’s cover artist, Raymond Verdaguer, and the book’s Italian translator Stefania Puxeddu all reunited for this event.
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NY Bilingual Fair

The full CALEC team was on deck during the 2019 Bilingual Fair in New York, and we loved it! In its 6th edition, the Bilingual Fair organized by provided parents and educators with an opportunity to learn more about bilingual education. Our table was loaded with books, brochures, and goodies. Many visitors stopped by. Our video crew was non-stop interviewing language advocates and even several VIPs, including Councilman Mark Levine and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, among others. This day culminated with CALEC’s founder, Fabrice Jaumont, receiving the Leader Award, and CALEC’s vice-president, Jane Ross, receiving the Patron’s Award for their work in bilingual education and language advocacy. Mariam Moustafa, who translated our recently-released book, الثورة ثنائية اللغة received the studend award. A great day for CALEC!

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Book Launch of “La Rivoluzione Bilingue”

Join us for an informative event about the state of the art of Italian Dual Language programs in NYC’s Public Schools with teachers, principals, bilingualism experts, representatives of the DOE and published author Fabrice Jaumont for the launch of the Italian translation of his book “The Bilingual Revolution:” La Rivoluzione Bilingue, Il futuro dell’istruzione in due lingue, TBR Books, 2019.

Discussion will be followed by a toast to the growing Italian bilingualism initiatives in NYC!

This event is organized by InItaliano in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute, the Italian Consulate General in NY and CALEC.

RSVP directly on Eventbrite

Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Time: from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Entrance: Free

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Ich Bin Expat Fair

On November 2nd, 2019  the CALEC Team participated in the 3rd “ICH BIN EXPAT FAIR”. This event gathered more than 40 exhibitors who presented their services and products to German-speaking expats and their families. Among the exhibitors there were German schools, Kindergartens, publishers of kids’ books, cosmetology, healthy food and many more. It was great to see that the German speaking community of New York is highly interested in preserving their heritage and involving their kids in it. During the event visitors were offered to attend experts’ talks, workshops and kids programs.

At this event CALEC presented its’ books and introduced the interested visitors with Center’s activities and goals. The books focused on bilingualism and multiculturalism, particularly the “Die  Bilinguale Revolution”  generated a genuine interest among parents planning to choose the bilingual education for their children. The team members were able to share CALEC’s experience in supporting multilingual communities and assisting to establish bilingual programs.

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Book Release: Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes

Imagine you’ve just arrived at a salsa dance class, only to discover that you’re the only person wearing gym shoes. Suddenly, you feel ill equipped and out of place. Your ability to master this beautiful dance is severely hindered.

Expanding on this metaphor, Tammy Oberg de la Garza and Alyson L. Lavigne, explore troublesome cultural gaps Latino students often face in school. The book addresses several themes such as the historical context of racial discrimination, identity issues, loss of one’s language, immigration, bilingualism, cultural heritage, and other barriers Latino’s have faced and still face today. Each chapter combines personal essays with research and theory in order to get the reader to step into the shoes of a Latino student and understand their world. Each chapter then ends with effective classroom practices that all teachers can use to interact with their Latino students more efficiently.

Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes: Developing Cultural Competence to Foster Latino Student Success aims to help develop and expand the cultural competence of preservice and veteran teachers that aren’t wearing the same “shoes” as Latino students and helps educators gain practical strategies to create positive and safe learning environments for their Latino students.

Order book here

This book is a must read for all teachers that work with the Latino population. It brought back memories of my own educational experiences and I resonated with so many of the stories, but I also realized that school never taught me to teach Latino students like me- which brought me to adapt Anglo-teaching methods… this book really opened my eyes, taught me to unlearn old practices, and learn new methods to teach my (future) students effectively. – Abigail Sanchez

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In Memoriam

It is with great sadness that we learned about the passing of our esteemed colleague Tomoko Nakano who served on CALEC’s Advisory Committee and translated Fabrice Jaumont’s The Bilingual Revolution in Japanese. Tomoko was School Principal at Brooklyn Nihongo Gakuen in New York. A fervent advocate of Japanese heritage language and dual-language education, she contributed to the success of New York’s first Japanese dual-language program at PS147 in Brooklyn.