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Council of Europe recommendations on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture

At their 1423rd meeting, on 2 February, the Ministers’ Deputies referred the Kavala v. Turkey case to the European Court of Human Rights to determine whether Turkey has failed to fulfil its obligation to implement the Court’s judgment in this case, in line with proceedings provided for under Article 46.4 of the European Convention on Human Rights [more information …].

The Deputies adopted a recommendation to member States on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture and took note of its explanatory memorandum. This recommendation addresses two developments of concern to the Council of Europe: a tendency on the part of public authorities and civil society to think that proficiency in one additional language is enough; and the notion that proficiency in minority or migrant languages, widespread in today’s increasingly diverse societies, is harmful to societal cohesion.

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