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Embracing Bilingualism, A Global Perspective

It was exciting to be part in a conference on bilingualism organized by Community School District 14 Superintendent, Alicja Winnicki, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York.image

District 14 in Brooklyn is the home of numerous dual language programs including Chinese at P.S. 250, French at P.S. 110, German at P.S. 18, Japanese at P.S. 147, Polish at P.S. 34, programs which are actually featured in my book, The Bilingual Revolution. This meeting sought to promote bilingual education, and foster partnerships with diverse educators, families and communities.

Speakers included Maciej Golubiewski, Consul General of Poland, Milady Baez, Deputy Chancellor, NYC Department of Education, and several others. Various international institutions shared their perspectives on the topic, including China Institute, Goethe Institute New York, Japan Society, the French Embassy’s cultural services, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland.

I was pleased to moderate a panel of school leaders on the topic of dual language education and lessons learned in implementing successful programs. I was accompanied by Amanda Bueno, instructional Specialist, Brooklyn North FSC, Anna Cano Amato, Principal, P.S. 110, Elsa Nuñez, Field Support Liaison, District 14, and Sereida Rodriguez, Principal, P.S. 84.