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El Festival Del Libro

CALEC was in East Harlem on October 9th and 13th participating in the bilingual fair organized by La Fortaleza Community Development Corporation. El Festival del Libro [The Festival of Books] was the 7th annual bilingual Hispanic Heritage Month Literary Event that featured readings, workshops, and performances in both English and Spanish. Its purpose is to celebrate the bilingual heritage of Latin@ writers and offered a great networking opportunity to the community. 

El Festival Del Libro created a safe space for bilingual Latin@ writers to showcase their work, learn from each other, support each other, and build connections to empower each other. The event held multiple cultural workshops in dance, wellness, music, and writing to celebrate Latin@ cultures.

CALEC was present at the event as a publishing resource, showcasing some of TBR Books’ multilingual titles, and as an avid promoter of bilingual education. Participants were excited to learn about CALEC’s work and received a code to obtain our Bilingual Revolution e-book for free. The CALEC team fostered relationships with Latin@ writers, organizations, wellness coaches, and cultural dance teachers, building a network among a diverse community. Through this service CALEC demonstrated its commitment to support a diverse community and authors engaged in multilingual education and cultural development. CALEC thanks La Fortaleza Community Development Corporation for allowing us to be a part of their event and community, gracias!

“It is important that we create a space for our authors because no one else will… we need to support each other”, said Felix, the event coordinator of this festival. 

The event was also featured in CBS News!