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Workshop: Transforming Communities through Multilingualism with NYCDOE

We were thrilled to give two presentations during Transforming Communities through Multilingualism, a three-day seminar hosted by the New York City Department of Education on November 5 and 7, 2018. CALEC President Fabrice Jaumont was able to present our flagship program, The Bilingal Revolution, and share his experiences about the importance of parents and grassroots efforts for New York’s  multilingual learners. Other presenters included Dr. José Medina. Chancellor Richard Carranza, Dr. Linda Chen, Kathleen Leos, Dr. Margarita Calderón, and many more.
We are even more convinced that NYC will gain tremendously from offering dual language programs in as many languages as possible. We believe bilingual education is for all. The time to do this is now! Being bilingual is the new norm and it must start with our youngest citizens.

Read more: Seminar Agendas